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django-freeradius-manager v0.4.0

applicazione web

Manager Credenziali FreeRadius basato su RDBMS MariaDB




L’indice di vitalità, così come previsto nelle linee guida sull’acquisizione e riuso di software per la PA, è calcolato prendendo in considerazione le seguenti quattro categorie:

  • Code activity: il numero di commit e merge giornalieri;
  • Release history: il numero di release giornaliere;
  • User community: il numero di autori unici;
  • Longevity: l’età del progetto.

I range di ogni misura possono essere trovati nel file vitality-ranges.yml.

Stato di sviluppo: stabile

Funzionalità del software

Full localization support based on Django

Identity management

Expirable Freeeradius accounts

Credentials provisioning through expirable Token sent via email

Users can view all their connections and devices in a responsive Ajax DataTable

Importable identities via a [CSV file](freerad_manager/static/template_accounts.csv)

Many Freeradius Accounts to one identity

  • employment
  • Informazioni di dettaglio

    django-freeradius-manager v0.4.0

    applicazione web

    Ultimo rilascio 2020-04-12 (v0.4.0)

    Tipo di manutenzione internal

    Lingue supportate Italiano

    Descrizione estesa

    Django Freeradius Manager is an Admin interface to a Freeradius 3 RDBMS with Identity Management and Credentials Provisioning. This project is built on top of a simplified fork of django-freeradius from OpenWISP Project.


    This project is composed by two components:

    • django-freeradius for managing definitions in a freeradius RDBMS schema
    • identity app

    Freeradius definitions can be managed directly using the Django Admin Model Backend, as it come from django-freeradius.

    The Identity Provisioning procedure is handled in the Identity App, for each Digital Identity we can have one or more RadiusCheck accounts and provisioning tokens. An Admin action can send via email the activation token to the users, through which these can enable their accounts and configure their passwords. If a user forgot his password he can request a token to be sent to his delivery, to reset its account.

    All the parameters and configuration of these applications can be found in the file in the app folder, these can be also redefined (overloaded) in the global file.

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